Ender’s Game (The Ender’s Game Series)
Orson Scott Card
Science Fiction
Danielle Cooke

The Ender’s Game series, often called the Ender Saga, is one of Orson Scott Card’s most acclaimed works, and the first book, Ender’s Game, has won the 1985 Nebula and 1986 Hugo Awards for best novel. The series is intense, and is best for grades six and up.

Like most science fiction, Ender’s Game takes place in the future. It begins by introducing six-year-old Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, who is chosen to help fight in the “Bugger War,” a seemingly impossible battle against a violent species of aliens. The second book, Speaker for the Dead, follows the life of Andrew as he grows older, and introduces many wonderful new characters.

This series is incredibly thought-provoking and will cause you to question many of today’s social norms. This book is for anyone who loves science fiction or adventure, and is perfect to read as part of a club or with someone else; you’ll always want to talk about what you’ve read!

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